YOAV HORESH: AFTERMATH | From 2002–2005, Yoav Horesh photographed
hundreds of sites in Israel of suicide bombings, months and even years
after the destructive blasts. The apparent return to normalcy or the
abandonment of spaces reveals a society accustomed to random violence on
a massive scale. In an increasingly desensitized environment of war
imagery, Horesh challenges us to think about the aftermath. MESSENGERS: ARTISTS AS WITNESSES | Ten
contemporary regional and national artists create work that gives voice
to others, acting as witnesses by recounting significant events and
personal narratives that go beyond media accounts and by doing so acting
as harbingers for social change. Themes addressed include
incarceration, criminality, state-sanctioned violence, terrorism and
evil. Exhibiting artists include: Sanford Biggers, Philip Brou, Daniel
Heyman, Alix Lambert, Shaun Leonardo, Dan Mills, Cheryl Pope, Rudy
Shepherd, Sheida Soleimani, and Stephen Tourlentes. HOURS:
September - May, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 a.m.-4
p.m.; Thursday from 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; and Saturday from 1-5 p.m.; Closed